"Every man has his own destiny"
I was a non-believer of this till not very long ago. Not anymore. "You get what you are destined to, No more or No less than that and not before when the time comes." No matter how well you plan your life and how astute you are in planning, there is always a window of at least 10 percent in everything you plan, which is governed by something that you don't have control over. With each failure and success of your plan due to this effect, the faith in the words of Geeta "Karma kar Fal ki chinta mat kar" increases more and more. Truly, the Karma is what is in your hands and Fal even if you think it is in your hands but it never is. This one incident in my life has made me the believer of these immortal words of Geeta.
Year 2007- Despite all odds I prepared hard and I gave CAT with utmost sincerity.
31st December 2007- Result: Rejected (I was devastated needless to say since I had put in a lot of effort)
Year 2008- Last 2 months before CAT I got into some serious personal issues and didn't practice anything. I thought even to skip writing CAT but then my inner voice said to me "why not! Let's write it with the best of my ability doesn't matter I get it or not. At least I would find where I stand". I wrote the paper.
7th January 2009- I didn't want to see the result as I had no expectation. Someone close to me saw the result. He tried calling me but I was doing my office work thinking there would not be something special he would have to say to me. Then his sms comes saying "You are shortlisted for GD/PI process of IIM K!!” I read the message once, twice and then sat down for few minutes in disbelief thinking Oh God! This is too good to happen.
10th April 2009(The day I would never forget in my life!!)- I was in big trouble and very very stressful because of some personal and family issues. Again I was getting the call from my friend and I was so much in stress that I didn’t think remotely that it could be related to result. I didn't pick the call. I called back after sometime and to hear that it was one of the best moments of my life. I told him to recheck the Name and Registration No. Then I checked myself! I don't remember what all kind of thoughts came to my mind after that but certainly I was not thinking about any of my problems. YESSSSSS!! I achieved my Dream! My life would never be the same again!
I don't know how else I can explain this that when I worked really hard and didn't get through But when I wrote the exam amidst crisis, managed to secure an offer in one of the premium B-schools (IIM K) in India. Well, I must say it was something which had to happen now and not before. That is what we all know as DESTINY.

Year 2007- Despite all odds I prepared hard and I gave CAT with utmost sincerity.
31st December 2007- Result: Rejected (I was devastated needless to say since I had put in a lot of effort)
Year 2008- Last 2 months before CAT I got into some serious personal issues and didn't practice anything. I thought even to skip writing CAT but then my inner voice said to me "why not! Let's write it with the best of my ability doesn't matter I get it or not. At least I would find where I stand". I wrote the paper.
7th January 2009- I didn't want to see the result as I had no expectation. Someone close to me saw the result. He tried calling me but I was doing my office work thinking there would not be something special he would have to say to me. Then his sms comes saying "You are shortlisted for GD/PI process of IIM K!!” I read the message once, twice and then sat down for few minutes in disbelief thinking Oh God! This is too good to happen.
10th April 2009(The day I would never forget in my life!!)- I was in big trouble and very very stressful because of some personal and family issues. Again I was getting the call from my friend and I was so much in stress that I didn’t think remotely that it could be related to result. I didn't pick the call. I called back after sometime and to hear that it was one of the best moments of my life. I told him to recheck the Name and Registration No. Then I checked myself! I don't remember what all kind of thoughts came to my mind after that but certainly I was not thinking about any of my problems. YESSSSSS!! I achieved my Dream! My life would never be the same again!
I don't know how else I can explain this that when I worked really hard and didn't get through But when I wrote the exam amidst crisis, managed to secure an offer in one of the premium B-schools (IIM K) in India. Well, I must say it was something which had to happen now and not before. That is what we all know as DESTINY.
