"Love" which is defined and will be defined time and again by different people in various ways, is truly a magnanimous subject for which ages are less to ponder upon.It has the range of feelings and emotions that is truly amazing and unbelievable right from joy,sorrow,anger,frustation,dilemma...................and the list goes endlessly with different shades of overlapping emotions. It has the power to change anyone beyond one's imagination and beauty of this is you never know when you are getting transformed. Undoubtedly a feeling the best a human being can get is grossly misunderstood by many and also by those who choose to pretend otherwise. Nevertheless one has to be in love to understand the real effects and your life never remains the same again. All the moments are filled with an unknown joy and an untold fear leaving an indelible imprint on your existence making your life worthwhile. Everything around you changes to only one persepective. And believe me its not that bad.