Expressions of a mind
Friday, September 27, 2019
Sunday, February 03, 2013
Monday, February 27, 2012
National Manufacturing Policy

In response to that, Indian cabinet has approved National Manufacturing Policy prepared by Department of Industry Policy and Promotion (DIPP). The policy envisages increasing the share of manufacturing in GDP from the current level of 16% to 25% by 2022. It also seeks to create 100 million additional jobs by next decade. The special purpose vehicle for this targeted growth is National Manufacturing and Investment zones, which is going to be established in different parts of the country. The government will provide single window clearances to the companies who want to set up their manufacturing units. It will be based on the model of public private partnership. Small and medium enterprises will be encouraged through tax breaks. Industry leaders have welcomed this policy initiative of the government but have suggested that there is much more to be done in terms of reforming the archaic labor laws to spur growth in this sector. However, it remains to be seen how the response from the manufacturing sector will be to these zones given the high input costs and uncertain global economic scenario. I believe the cooperation by states with Center and the execution efficiency will be the key factors for the success of this policy.
Friday, January 13, 2012
कभी वो हमपर और कभी हम उसपर भारी है ,
हर वक़्त लगता है रास्ता आगे सुनहरा है ,
मुश्किलों के कारवां गए हैं टल ,
सुकून के लम्हे है ,हवा है शीतल ,
तभी होता है एक घमासान,
होता है अहसास ये शांति क्षणभंगुर है ,
ना करो आराम हो जाओ सावधान ,
दूर क्षितिज पर एक और तूफ़ान अभी बाकी है
समस्याएं ही सच्ची प्रेमिका है, दूर जाके फिर वापस आती है
'सुख' मदिरा का नशा है कुछ पल की साकी है
जिंदगी और हमारी संघर्ष अभी बाकी है…..
- लोकेश चन्द्र राय
Saturday, July 16, 2011

I know whatever I will be writing ahead in few lines have been said umpteen number of times. Nevertheless, there are few ideas which need to be reinforced time and again to keep ourselves on the right path of life.
The most important thing in life is to achieve happiness and peace of mind. Money, Love, Helping family members or others in need etc are just means to achieve this goal. Means can never be goal itself. Still we fall for these means and consider them as ends.
Things rarely happen in the way you desire them to occur even if you have the noblest of ideas in your mind. It just does not happen the same way. Staying peaceful and happy in the changed circumstances is important. We need to keep our focus towards this goal that life is a short stay here and the pursuit of happiness is the ultimate goal. Spread cheer as much as possible avoiding hurting anyone and being at peace with whatever amount of 'means' you have. Doing your best is what matters and it’s equally important to always keep testing the limits of your best!
P.S. You may like to read this another blog related to this topic which i read after i had written this blog. Link is Pursuit of Happiness?
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao was in India for a three day visit recently. This was a significant visit as many deals were expected to come through. This prompted me to find more about the current status of Indo-China relation. After doing some secondary research I came to know that even though there are significant political issues such as border disputes, stapled visa for kashmiris, Brahmaputra dam etc., there is a bright side of this relationship. What struck me most was the trade growth between the two countries for last five years and the great untapped potential. The trade growth has been phenomenal between the two countries as it has grown from mere $ 5 bn to $ 45 bn in last five years. This is achieved when the relationship with China has not been on the right side of the equation. India’s concern has been rightly about the large trade deficit it has with China which is at $ 19 bn i.e. staggering 42 percent. To make this trade growth sustainable and beneficial for both countries China will have to do more and open its markets for India. India exports the world quality Pharma products, Tea, Fruits etc. which have not got access to huge chinese markets yet. India, on the other hand, can also take immense benefit from the chinese expertise in plant machinery by opening its power sector. To put things in perspective, China adds 100,000 mw power generating capacity each year whereas India has managed to add only 60,000 mw capacity in last 5 years. The collaboration will go a long way in India’s quest for energy security. China and India constitutes the two-third of the world population and both are growing at the rate of above 8 percent. There is a great opportunity beckoning for both countries to get their act together in leapfrogging to an even higher growth trajectory by collaborating at a much larger scale and leaving the past bitterness behind. If recent disputes are anything to go by, this seems far from being happening.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Optimal Affection
There is also a saying that "You get what you give". My question is upto what extent. Take the example of pampered children. You show more love to them and after a certain point they start asking for things which are really not good for them. If you refuse, you easily offend them and then the care shown by you becomes a weapon for them so that they can stretch your feelings to get those not-so-good things done. Once this method works, they try to deploy this again and again. But after sometime you realize you have set a bad precedent and that demands of not-so-good is turning into worse. You think you should correct this but then it becomes either too late (when you can't really correct the child) or you have to take extra tough measures to bring it to the right course. Both the cases have the potential to backfire your very relationship which you once started to build so lovingly. I think the case is not much different in the case of relationship amongst grown-ups although not upto the extent in children.
So before you give that 'extra' bit of care, love or affection, Think Again. Is it actually going to strengthen your relationship in long term!!?
P.S. Please do comment. Would like to know more perspectives on it.. Thanks